mercredi 15 juillet 2009

The Convergence

He walked slowly through the dimly lit corridor. He was waiting for the noises, and then he would run. He had planned this moment since he found about the trinity and knew nobody would ever be able to believe he had done it without external help. But he had, after all, many ears and many eyes, and a keen mind. He had always been encouraged to learn about everything, and although some things were hidden, he had learned.

The cry was not very loud, but he had been expecting it, so he ran. He plugged his transmitter and blocked the main transmision. The planes of the University had been difficult to get, but he knew how to look for things, how to convince people.

The off-campus repeat antennae had been discreetly sabotaged some time ago now, and he knew where to leave the little car so that it was never found again. He put on the wig, and signaled a taxi to stop.

He got off a mile away of the motel and walked. He had the time. A busy lifetime in front of him. He was waiting for himself in the room, and the communicator made him remember the trip of the rest of him.

He saw his bloody hands from the door and the part of him that was in the bed wiped them absentmindedly on the cover.

"I had concluded that not killing them was a better idea, but another conclusion was reached when we separated. I 1- Individuality 0 .

The three bodies moved in the small as a group with clear instructions and a prohibition to speak. They ate, slept and went away. The world was waiting. It always had been.

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