jeudi 31 janvier 2008


I should like to die on May, she thought.

There was some mist and the sky was grey, but they sky is always grey in the coast in May. Sometimes it takes too long to cover that and it seemed that now and then it would be useful to half a humid earth sort of waterfall, much of the pain comes from watching the slow filling of the whole. It was nice when the sea breeze threw one or two yellows leaves on the ceremony.

- Do you know where are we suppossed to meet them? asked Ian

- I think we will have to commute, he's not being buried here -answered Victor.

- We'll never make it -Ian sighed

- No, we won't, I hate when we have to follow Dan's stupid directions, he never knows anything.

He did knew quite a lot of things, the problem was that little did he know about where he was. The sun was making them swet from behind the layer of grey sky while they were heading towards somewhere. They stopped to enter in a small store to buy something to eat.

- He says now we should commute and wait for his call, said Victor
- Sounds vague, but it's better than staying in the city, where he is certainly not being buried.
In the bus they ignored the people around them and sat at the back,

- I hate so much that all the shit, it always happens to her, said Ian

-It's really annoying, answered Victor

-and absurd, ridiculous above all, how come these all happened, I mean I know about people starving, but, I don't know, what am I trying to say in the first place...

Aine did not cried much, she felt her mother was suppossed to do it, if not all at least most of it, she looked at Dan and smiled at him for one second. He smiled back but he knew that she felt the unwilling patronising expression of his face, the guilt and paternalistic sorrow of the one who is not suffering. He looked down to the earth once again and lifted his hands to his lips scratching the dry skin out of them, he did not want to look at her again, to show her the same expression, so he fixed his eyes on the wet brow chunks of earth mesmerised by little pieces of roots and grass in them, he cared so much about her.

Her mother had a big yellow rose firmly clutched between her fingers which Aine knew she would not throw it and she would keep it as an amulet of the loss, of that the, and she would put it next to some many other charms of sorrow that Aine would watch every time she would enter at her mother's bedroom to tell her that dinner was ready. She put her head on her mother's shoulder.

They waited in what seemed to be the town's main bus stop, and waited until Dan called them and said that the service was about to finish, that they should hurry now and Victor replied with some yelling. They asked a man that was passing near if the churchyard was too far, he answered that it was very near indeed, he did not seem very sure, they took the bus. The churchyard was on the top of a not that nearby hill. When they got there they saw Aine, Dan and the rest of the people on the service coming out of the churchyard. They hugged each other, Victor insulted Dan a little bit and Aine said goodbye to her mother; she did not seem to notice Aine much.

- How are you? sounds stupid but

- I am, I'm fine, it's fine now, it's how long you know,

-I know

They went to Dan's apartment to have lunch, this time Aine did not cook, and the other three managed to put some ingredients together.

- So Aine, would you like some fajitas then? said Dan

Ian's face twitched at the little solemn name of what they where about to eat.

-Sure, but without meat

- It's been a year since the last time we were all together, said Ian automatically feeling stupid since we involuntarily attract attention to the reason of why they were all together again.

-Yes, thank you for all this -said Aine

-it's just fajitas, said Victor humbly

Ian's face twitched again

Dan suggested a long walk, they agreed and went down to the beach. Aine borrowed some green plastic flip flops from Dan, she was still wearing her smart black dress and high heel black shoes. On the way to the beach the played kicking some rocks and empty tins annoying some people in the street and on the shore they collected some seashells, looking for the perfect one whatever that meant, thay sat to see the sunset, they knew it was pointless, it was really cloudy. They made small tunnels on the sand and had the intention of building a castle. They forgot the castle idea after some minutes and went to the city centre.

- It's a pity that we are now aheading to the city centre now, said Aine

-Why? asked Ian

- Because there is the train station.

The city ligths were not particularly attractive, they were rather messy, old and a bit dusty. Aine put her shoes on once again in a bus stop and they continued walking until they reached the train station. It was noisy with trains arriving and departing, and polite apologetic announcements.

- That's mine, 20:30 service.

She hugged them all

- You do know we love you, right? -said Victor

-Yes, I do and that makes me happy

- I hope we'll see you soon, or more often at least -said Ian

-I hope I'll see you soon, thank you for the walk and for the fajitas.

dimanche 13 janvier 2008

Date with the Night

Estaba llenisimo y el techo goteaba sudor, el piso completamente mojado y la gente moviendose franticamente al azar, cerca de la puerta que da a la sala principal una mujer medio regordeta se resbala con ambos pies,
I gotta date with the night
sus nalgas caen primero, luego su espalda y un par de milisegundos despues las piernas, en el momento en que sus nalgas habian tocado el suelo sus zapatos ya habian salido disparados en direcciones opuestas, se rie recostada en al piso mojada, me da asco el concepto y me aburro de la musica de aca y me devuelvo a la sala principal
Gonna catch the kids dry Gonna walk on water
la gente se empuja y el techo sigue goteando en muchas partes, alguien se me acerca -have you seen my shoe?- imposible, sigue caminando cojo y la gente deja botellas sobre los parlantes, tambien vasos medios llenos y cuando caen parecen que esquivan cabezas para llegar al suelo
Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke
veo caer al menos a 7 personas mas, la mayoria en la puerta y otro tanto con botellas en la mano haciendo ahora que el piso no solo este resbaloso sino que tambien crujiente. Todos tienen el pelo mojado de sudor y se les pega en la cara mientras bailan sacudiendo la cabeza
I'll send it to you I'll set it off
Un guardia empieza a tratar de pasa empujando a todos, quiero cruzar toda la sala al parecer y lleva a alguien de la mano bruscamente, una mujer al parecer y hay alguien con ella, ella no puede caminar bien
Choke Choke
Move, move! repite a le gente que no podria importarle menos
Choke Choke
Y ahora estan mas cerca de mi y ella tiene el pelo en la cara pegado y negro
Choke Choke
Y mira hacia donde estoy yo y veo un poco lo que sucede
Choke Choke
No tiene el pelo pegado en cara por sudor, es sangre esparcida desde su nariz hasta la frente, o quizas al reves y quizas un poco de vomito cafe en el menton y en su vestido

mercredi 2 janvier 2008


¿Debía reirse? ¿Debía haberlo esperado?
Por muchos años tuvo miedo de publicar.
Cada vez que iba a enviar algo se retenía, diciendose que fracasaría, que no era suficiente.
En vez de enviar, anotaba el nombre de la publicación y lo guardaba. Al principio todo estaba en un cajón con llave, pero luego los traspasó a un computador y después los archivaba como mails.
Nunca se detuvo. Hubo momentos en que pudo haber publicado, pero la inercia de los años de inmovilidad podía más.
A los 27 años de archivar, se unió a talleres literarios, discutió sus escritos con amigos, confió en su talento y se propuso vencer su miedo. Publicó articulos de critica y opinión y se volvió conocido y respetado.
Su confianza creció aún más, y arregló la publicación de una gran selección de los articulos de su vida. El libro fue el más vendido del año, pero la reacción de los criticos lo confundía. "Una mordaz critica a los ultimos 30 años de literatura y periodismo en Chile. Imperdible" o "Una recreación retrospectiva que ilustra muy bien las tendencias de las tres o cuatro ultimas decadas." o "Evoca con precisión el sentir de los años más dificiles de la historia de nuestro país".

Nadie parecía creer que de verdad fueron escritos a travez de los 30 años.